Barreca Vineyards

Barreca Vineyards

From Vine to Wine since 1986


All posts by barrecavineyards

Mushrooms in the Mist

Many strange things are happening during this very mild winter.  Down here by Lake Roosevelt there is no snow. The grass is starting to grow. Sweet pea leaves have stayed green all winter.  Some insects were flying even though I thought they held off until temperatures were in the 50s. One effect that caught my attention was that mushrooms were popping up even though the temperatures barely got into the 30s.

Mushrooms are the fruiting bodies of fungi meant to spread spores and keep up reproduction. I wondered how much growing they could do in freezing temperatures and what are these mushrooms anyway?  I took a few pictures and looked for information from Google Lens. It was not encouraging or sometimes it was too encouraging. I will explain.

Mushroom 1 is identified variously by Google Lens as Tricholoma Terreum or Tricholoma Melanoleuca. At least it knew it was a mushroom. But the terreum variety is common to Europe and Australia and is edible. “Melanoleuca is a genus of mushrooms that were previously classified in the Tricholomataceae family. However, DNA studies have shown that Melanoleuca is more closely related to the Amanita and Pluteus genera.” (Wikipedia) So if it is Terreum, yum, if it is Melanoleuca you may die or have a weird trip.

What about Mushroom 2, found nearby. In one case it may be Camembert Brittlegill AKA Russulo Amoenolens (Russulo genus has 750 species.) or in another Wavy Cap, Psilocybe Muliercula. Yes that psilocybe! Lesson 1: don’t eat any mushroom based on Google Lens. Lesson 2: don’t use Google Lens to identify mushrooms.

Meanwhile, somewhere diving into the mushroom rabbit hole I came across a wonderful YouTube video created by the group, Show Me the World. ( It was about the ways fungi grow. Mycology is the study of fungi, a diverse group of organisms that includes mushrooms, yeasts, and molds. (I want to point out here that “rabbit hole” comes from Lewis Carroll’s Alices Adventures in Wonderland which itself features some very peculiar mushrooms.)

While picking up some quince, I found a patch of white mold under each one before I noticed the mushrooms. The white patch was a network of mycelium. Basically, fungi are just mycelium, threads often smaller than a human hair with a liquid core and a sheath made of chitin. They seem simple enough, but that is far from the whole truth. Although mycelium don’t have digestive organs, they emit enzymes that taken collectively can break down almost any material to a point where it can be incorporated into other organisms including the mycelium itself.

The chitin part of the mycelium is the same substance found on the outer bodies of insects. It is very tough and composed mostly of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen but also nitrogen. These are also the building blocks of all plants. Mycelia are constantly expanding and changing directions based on where food sources are. When broken down, they feed the soil. When finding food, they feed themselves and the food source too if it is a green plant.

Almost all mycelia are arbuscular mycelia.  They attached themselves to roots of plants. Moreover, they integrate themselves into the roots. They do this by weaving between the cells of the roots and sometimes into the cells themselves. Inside an invaded cell they branch out into arbuscules. Arbuscules are tree-shaped subcellular structures that form within plant cells. The Latin root word for “arbuscules” is “arbusculum,” which means “little tree”. They are the main site of nutrient exchange between the plant and the fungus and are shaped somewhat like a lung. Like a lung they take in some substances and expel others. The mycelium are like little pipes that can flow in both directions.  They take in glucose and other carbohydrates from plants. They bring water and minerals to the plants.

Plants attract mycelium by exuding hormones. If this is beginning to sound like a barter system, it very much is.  Fungus are communicating and transporting nutrients that are valuable to their growth and also to the growth of plants. They expand the nutrients available to plants by an order of magnitude. Some biologists refer to healthy roots as “Rastafarian roots” because of their shaggy appearance.

The communication network is used for more than sustenance. Plants can alert other plants to diseases, water and nutrient deficiencies through fungal networks. Fungal networks respond to rich sources of food by growing bigger and denser near the source. They also respond to plants in need of nourishment by increasing the nutrient flow to the plant. In return they get a larger percentage of the plants’ sugar supply than from a healthy plant with plenty to eat.

In studying these fungal networks, botanists and mycologists have witnessed behavior similar to rail and highway networks. Main lines grow bigger. If those lines are broken or disrupted, smaller detours are used and increased. Like the Internet itself, they bypass trouble.

All of this is going on beneath our feet as we walk through the woods, fields and gardens. With so much exchange, growth and communication going on, disturbance to the soil is destructive to the biome. The most activity and turnover in soil happens in the top 6 inches. Leaves, branches, grass, seeds and fruit are building up on top. Fungus, mold, bacteria and microbes are breaking that organic matter down and absorbing it into the soil. The fungal network is extracting nutrients and transporting them to plants. Fungi are also being eaten by insects and animals. Plowing the soil disrupts that network. It releases nutrients once as organic matter breaks down in the soil but tilling over and over prevents the fungal network from regenerating. It needs a green cover crop to supply glycose from photosynthesis.

Even those of you with snow cover now will probably briefly see a fine layer of mold mycelia when the snow melts. Winter will end but the network will live on. Please give it some water and ground cover. If the fungus ain’t happy, ain’t nobody happy.

The Christmas Curmudgeon

I am writing this a couple days before the Winter Solstice. By the time you read it Christmas will be over and New Years too.  Hopefully we have survived both events.  I had a prioritized list for Christmas: write newsletter; get cards; print labels; buy stamps; send cards and newsletters; figure out gifts; get tree.  Of course, there are many other line items in there like put up lights, actually buy gifts, wrap and send gifts etc. but you get the idea.  Christmas is a self-imposed gauntlet of to-dos to add on top of getting in firewood, preparing to plow snow, getting snow tires on…  How did we get to be this way?

               There is not much to go on in the archeological record. Sure, everyone had observatories that pinpointed the exact shortest day of the year. Stonehenge, the pyramids, the Incas’ at Machu Picchu… The list goes on and on. What we are short on in archaeology are stories about what went on after people knew the days were getting longer.

The Seasonal section at Wal*Mart

Anthropology to the rescue. Dong Zhi, the “arrival of winter,” is celebrated in China by eating rice balls. The Hopi Indians celebrate Soyal with purifications and kachinas, protective spirits from the mountains. Scandinavians lit fires to ward off evil spirits. During the Roman festival of Saturnalia slaves were treated as equals (a little like Boxing Day in Britain where masters and servants trade places). Inti Raymi, an ancient Peruvian festival included feasts and sacrifices of animals and some sacrifices that well…  Let’s say they went way beyond Santa Clauses naughty and nice list. The Persian festival Yalda, or Shab-e Yalda marks the victory of light over dark. Some Persians stay awake all night long to welcome the morning sun. (That sounds more like New Years.) At any rate, our Christmas festivities are not that new or unusual but they do tend to go over the top, especially on decorations.

Every year lighting competition gets more intense. LED lights are now ancient history. Software controlling them is where the action is. Lights now flash in many ways at many speeds possibly triggering seizures in individuals sensitive to light flicker, particularly those with epilepsy. How long until we have our own drone displays playing Santa and Reindeer in the air with sound and music?

Wow. The music. You can’t get away from the music.  Not that it’s bad, it’s too good. Christmas music is persistent. It stays in your head. Old songs like Jingle Bells don’t bother me much but some others seem like brainwashing “The most wonderful time of the year”; “He knows when you’ve been sleeping”; “Up on the rooftop”. Often it just comes down to gifts.  I used to make gifts for my kids.  Now that they are middle-aged, not so much but usually food and drink which has very little environmental impact.

In our local Wal*Mart supercenter, whole sections are devoted to seasonal gifts and decorations.  When looking at those displays, I have to ask myself “What is this stuff? Where did it come from? Where will it end up? From an environmental point of view, the answers are not encouraging.  A lot of gifts use tag board packaging that is not recyclable. A lot of plastic inside is destined for the dump. A lot of colorful ink and wrapping is probably toxic. Many items are shipped on cargo ships running on bunker fuel then loaded on trains and diesel trucks coming from around the world and across the country. Everything with a bar code that measures what sells best and tracks who bought it. Does any of this stuff actually ward off evil spirits? That might be useful.

So, count me in as a Christmas curmudgeon. Interestingly, when you look that word up in the Oxford English Dictionary you get “a bad-tempered person, especially an old one.” Sure, they had to throw in the old person reference. Maybe it would be better to be considered a snob. At least that has a touch of class and wealth. Oh, wait a minute. The wealth part is not going to work out. I don’t have a big social security check or a car less than 20 years old. (But if you compare my resources to the income of the people who probably made these things, it’s giant.)

A snob would snub their nose at your run-of-the-mill Christmas gifts. But I can’t afford to do that either. The truth is. I buy lights and new gizmos. I send gifts made in China packed in cardboard made from newly harvested trees. I have a freshly cut tree that will end up as air pollution.  I relish our display of cards from friends near and far and enjoy reading annual newsletters.  I probably eat too many things that are not going to be part of a weight-watchers diet. I’m a Christmas hypocrite. I’ve been colonized by Christmas.

No reflective person examining their part in the whole Christmas parade can help feeling a little guilty for their part in it. But that’s where religion comes in. I was raised Catholic. I spent the first 20 years of life feeling guilty for one thing or another and going to confession to get over it. I’m totally prepared for Christmas guilt. Also, I have the Christmas newsletter routine down to a science. Careful journal entries, documenting pictures, consistent themes. Christmas newsletters are just practice for the new year and filing taxes.

Where the Wild Things Are

Harvesting grapes saddles you with responsibilities to make wine, put away your tools and clean up the vineyard.  But in the midst of endless work there are surprises both pleasant and problematic.  On the pleasant side, finding old bird nests is one of my favorites.  It is a good reminder that not all birds are after your grapes and that some can even be helpful.  Moreover, it shows that the vineyard is a healthy habitat for a number of creatures that you might not even know about till they have already raised their young and left.

While birds are generally well-loved and, as can be seen in the pages of the North Columbia Monthly, are often identified and photographed, I will only name a few and move on. The picture is probably of a robin’s nest. They can be noisy and when large flocks pass through in the fall, they can devastate a grape crop in less than a day.  So, I have bird nets and neighbors sometimes use recorded distress calls.  I know when robins are hatching young because they tend to leave blue eggshells on a pathway.  Chickadees, woodpeckers, nuthatches and many other birds frequent the vineyard.  My favorites are bohemian waxwings and piliated woodpeckers.

But we also have cats.  So, I discourage bluebirds and any bird that I really like because the vineyard can be a dangerous place for them.  Before I go any further with this, I want to lay down a principle about the health of any biome. “The greater the diversity of species available in any habitat, the greater is its health.”  Before you shrug your shoulders with a physical “whatever”, I want to elaborate on some not-commonly-accepted ramifications of this maxim starting with gophers.

Pocket gophers, commonly referred to simply as gophers, are burrowing rodents of the family Geomyidae. The roughly 41 species are all endemic to North and Central America. They are commonly known for their extensive tunneling activities and their ability to destroy farms and gardens.” (Wikipedia) Even in this first paragraph of the Wikipedia article gophers are thrown into the category of pests and varmints.  Agreed, they are hell on garlic, potatoes, carrots… and many other garden crops.  I admit to trapping them with good old fashion lethal gopher traps when they get close to those crops. We also have a self-seeding plant in the garden known as Gopher Purge, (Euphorbia lathyrism), which does discourage them.  But getting back to our principle about diversity, gophers have some good qualities and a place in enhancing the ecosystem.  Bear with me.

Most of my vineyard is not a garden.  I don’t own a tractor. The top six inches of the soil is the most active part of the ecosystem. Turning it over, incorporating organic matter that breaks down and rots is the source of a lot of natural nutrition in the soil, especially when you are adding amendments like leaves, manure and biochar or cover crops like clover and vetch.  Gophers enhance that process.  I have seen them wipe out young vines and other plants.  Where there are a lot of gophers, I suggest cutting the bottom out of the plastic pots that most plant starts come in to protect the upper 8 inches of roots from gophers. Walking the rows there is no visible damage to the older vines where gophers are present. 

Gophers like plants with juice. They can’t visit the local watering hole.  Moist, loose soil is their favorite. Their mounds encourage ruderal plant species, plant species that are the first to colonize disturbed lands.  Native climax species eventually return but many forbes and flowers fall into the ruderal niche. It looks to me like gophers like to eat quack grass.  You have to like that.  They are called “pocket gophers” because their cheeks serve as pockets to use in transporting and hoarding food. When that food rots deep underground, it provides plant nutrients far below the surface where you would normally fertilize.

We’ve looked at gophers from both sides now, and you have to admit that they can get out of hand. Enter the gopher snake, (Pituophis catenifer deserticola). So, in some people’s minds we have just gone from bad to worse.  Bear with me.  They do look a lot like rattle snakes.  Gopher Snakes even imitate rattle snakes when defending themselves by coiling up, flattening their heads to look like rattle snake heads and even striking out but it’s a head butt and not a bite.  They are not poisonous. They eat voles, mice and other pests besides gophers including other snakes.  Bottom line, they are also great to have around. The last one I saw was inside my 50-year-old pickup truck and leaving quickly in a hole through the floorboard.  They can climb to eat birds and their eggs. Mostly, you won’t see them if they are underground eating or digesting gophers.

 Also underground and mostly unseen, are yellowjackets, another creature that is probably on your I-hate-these-things list. Not so fast. Yes, they are nasty and relentless when disturbed. (I try to put a small flag by any underground nest I find so as to avoid it from then on.) Only fertilized queens survive the winter.  They take a couple of months to ramp up production and can build colonies of 5000 workers.  Early on they eat a lot of insects to feed protein to their young larvae. That is their biggest benefit. Their hives are made of wood pulp. The hives do not survive the winter in our climate and are digested by fungi when they rot. Not only is more fungus underground good for the soil, the hives can contain the yeast that will emerge again on new fruit, a benefit for my wines that are fermented with natural yeast.

You may not be warming up to this idea that diversity is healthy given these three examples. I haven’t even gotten to skunks, squirrels, racoons and several kinds of insects. But for each one of these I can cite examples of how they enhance the biome.  More about that later.  It works for plants as well as animals. Weeds tell us about our soil. We will do well to understand them before we attack.  

Hoop House

Back in the winter of 22-23 we had a heavy snow after a long warm period.  I still had a shade cloth over my 24’ by 20’ greenhouse.  It caught the snow. The roof collapsed.  As if have said several times, I learn a lot by making mistakes.  That left me with the wall structure of a greenhouse but no roof and a lot of twisted pipes.  By the time the cleanup was completed, there was no time or money to rebuild the whole structure.  Besides, it was not in the best place for a greenhouse in the first place.  Time for plan B.

Sometime earlier I had joined the Huckleberry Range Community Collective (HRCC).  They have a tool sharing network and have a Facebook page and group.  One of the tools offered is a hoop bender, a device to bend steel pipes and make a hoop house greenhouses.  This sounded like a good plan B. I knew that they came in different sizes.  A friend had proudly showed me his 10-foot-wide greenhouse and offered to let me use his pipe bender sometime before my greenhouse collapsed, so I declined at the time.  Somehow that width stuck in my mind and I assumed that the two hoop benders were from the same company and had the same width.

As many things in this adventure, things were not so simple.  My friend had a pipe bender from Bootstrap Farmer. ( The one from HRCC was from Johnny’s Seeds ( Either one costs around $100 but Bootstrap has a shipping cost. A nice thing about both websites is that they are very specific about what pipe to use, something I was not getting from word of mouth.  For the 10’ hoops, you need 1 3/8 inch “chain link fence top rail pipe”.  The nearest source people remembered was Ziggy’s in Spokane.  Talking to several stores in Colville I came up empty.  Then I realized that I might be able to special order it and was able to do that through Builder’s Shopping Center in Colville.  The pipe can come in 20’ or 10’ lengths.  I asked for 10’ knowing I could strap that to the top of my car.  A little math made me conclude that I needed 2 10’ lengths for each hoop in a 10’ wide hoop house and 6 hoops for a 20’ long house. So, 12 lengths of pipe all together.  Cost $204. Not bad.  I had salvaged pipe for a top tie rail, if you don’t, it is worth adding 2 more lengths of pipe.

The pipe arrived a week later. I took it home and unpacked it.  6 of the lengths had swaged ends.  Those ends fit nicely into the ends of the 6 unswaged lengths.  Somehow the source knew exactly what was going on and made it so I could piece together 6 20 foot pieces of pipe.  The circumference of a 10’ circle is 31.41 feet so a half circle would be 15,7 feet giving me a little over 4.3 extra feet that I could use to raise the hoop over two feet off the ground on each side for a height of 7 feet, ( 5 ft radius of a 10 ft hoop plus 2 ft each side), plenty of clearance in my view. 

Off I went to get the pipe bender from HRCC.  It turned out that their bender was for a 12-foot hoop, not a 10 foot.  That threw me off.  Also, the pipe bender was actually made out of bent pipe itself which seemed weird since I had the Bootstrap version in mind.  A little bit more math and I was back on board.  The type of pipe was the same and there was still enough for a 6.5-foot clearance plus another 40 feet of floor space in the greenhouse.  12 feet was a better option.

The next decision was how to mount the bender.  The Johnny’s website showed it bolted to a picnic table where the force would be sideways and it was assumed that the table would not warp or move.  The Bootstrap sight showed it mounted on the wall of a shed so you could pull down on the pipe being bent.  I went for the shed guessing that it was going to take a lot of force to bend steel pipe.  Each bender came with a “cheater bar” that fit onto the pipe to give extra leverage for the last few feet, a good hint that a lot of force was in order.

It sure was. Luckily, I had extra pieces of pipe left from my previous greenhouse disaster that slipped over the 1 3/8” pipe and gave me a lot more leverage.  Even with that I was regretting not doing more chin-ups later in life. The fulcrum of the bend is wherever the pipe touches the bender.  The most force is at either end.  If you want a section left straight, let it hang over one end.  Bend a few inches of the pipe at a time and move the bent part of the pipe out the back of the bender. This gives you less and less leverage as you get to the end, hence the cheater. 

My previous greenhouse used pipes pounded in the ground to position those standing up.  So, I cut up some of my spare parts pipe to serve that purpose.  That proved necessary since the 12’ hoop wants to spring out to 14’ until the ends are stuck in the ground pipes.  Hoops are not Legos.  They tended to flop a little one way or another and top centers didn’t line up exactly.  Although not shown in some examples, having a top trail over the whole array lines them up more exactly and provides a little boost in getting water to run off or snow to slide off if placed above the hoops on the center line. I was glad to have some salvaged pipe for that purpose and the “bender” actually helped straighten it out.

Having the bone structure of a greenhouse is really just the beginning. Wrapping it, providing doors, making ways to ventilate etc. are all important and variable.  That could be called Plan B(a).

BTW if you could use some pipe pieces for ground pipes, leverage or need self-tapping bolts to tie things together, I still have spare parts.

Getting Your Goats

On a warm Sunday morning as I was travelling south along Lake Roosevelt on Hwy 25 the Watch Duty app on my phone kept sounding off as new wildfires popped up along the way.  Nine of them would be active by the end of the day.  The Wicked Drive fire grew to 700 acres. Three on the Colville Reservation are still active and not contained.  A lot of us have wildfires on our minds these days.

I kept looking at the areas around me. All were dry. In open fields the grass was tall and blond. Even when it is green, firefighters call it “grassoline”.  In the forests the brush had been removed in places but mostly it was thick providing “ladder fuels” that would send a fire into the crowns where it would spread embers in the wind.

Fire on the Colville Reservation

I was heading to Reardan, Washington to visit Craig Madsen, owner of Healing Hooves, a goat herding business (  Craig has a degree in range management. He started shepherding goats 20 years ago.  Today the business has grown to a point where he has spun off a partner who works the west side of Washington.  The demand still outweighs the supply.

Having owned goats in the past I have opinions. The best thing about goats is that they will eat almost any plant.  The worst thing about goats is that they will eat almost any plant.  I remember pulling into a wayside park in Australia and discovering that it contained a large population of feral goats.  We stepped out of the car and immediately a long thorn went through my wife’s sandals and almost into her foot.  A look at the vegetation revealed that virtually every plant, whether low or high, had thorns.  That was the nature of the standoff between the goats and the vegetation.  Both still seemed to survive.

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When I got to the area along the railroad tracks passing through Readon where Craig was tending his goats, I could see how that played out in Eastern Washington.  There were green stems from Russian Thistle (AKA Tumbleweed) and Rush Skeletonweed, plants that most animals won’t eat, and a lot of goat manure in the dirt where the goats had already grazed.  The goats themselves, all 100 of them, were working their way through some green Quackgrass behind an electric fence on the far side of the tracks.  They had about another day to finish off that section before being moved to the next job.

I asked Craig about how he would move them.  He has a double-decker semi-trailer that he moves with a diesel truck.  Seeing it load would have been fun.  Actually, the goats themselves are fun to watch.  The favorite game of young goats is King of the Hill, in most cases a rock will do as a hill.  One will get on top and others will try to knock it off.  Eventually they wear out. They tend to all lie down together at night and some rest together during the day.  Places where they bed down become very barren.

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I wondered about predators. Cougars are sometimes an issue.  Coyotes and wolves don’t tend to get through the electric fences.  Craig has dogs that he embeds in the herd to keep the cougars at bay.  Dogs also are good at keeping people and other dogs on their side of the fence.  The goats themselves can be pretty curious and friendly.   Craig grazes a mixture of Boer Goats and Kiko Goats.  Both are meat varieties.  The Boer goats were developed for meat in South Africa where they grazed on an area called the Thorn veldt.  You can guess how that got its name.  They live up to 20 years and can weigh up to 350 lbs.  So, it is a good thing that they are basically friendly.

The Kiko goats are a cross between domestic goats and native goats from New Zealand.  They are also very hardy and pest resistant.  They are also very productive, tending to give birth to twins.  The whole herd is used to urban sounds, so they don’t spook at sirens or airplanes.  A lot of the grazing jobs are in towns where there are steep slopes, soft ground or obstacles under the brush that would be dangerous for humans and machinery.

Along the way in developing this business, Craig became interested in and took a course on regenerative agriculture from Nicole Masters. Grazing goats is close to the breakthrough that Allan Savory made years ago that led to “mob grazing”.  Savory was in charge of restoring grasslands in Zimbabwe.  At first, he thought that elephants were overgrazing and he had thousands of them killed.  It made the grasslands worse.  Looking deeper into the life-cycles of grasses he realized that they needed some disturbance to reseed and thrive.  Herds of animals would pass through an area, usually concentrated to protect themselves from predators. They would eat the grass, rough up the ground and leave manure and urine. Then the herds would move on and not return for up to a year.  Grasses have deep roots. They could rebound from this treatment and outgrow weeds, forbes and competing brush.  This turns out to be good for the herd, good for the soil and good for the forage. 

Savory developed Holistic Management expanding on these ideas and Masters learned from and added to that knowledge base.  Madsen learned from them both.  So grazing goats to reduce fuel loads and eliminate weeds is essentially mob grazing.  It not only reduces fire danger, but it produces meat and leaves better soil behind. 

As usual, timing is important.  When those Spring rains produce tall grass.  That is when land managers should line up a herd of goats to graze down the fuel load.  On a day like the one I when visited Readon, there is not much greenery left to eat.  By Fall, Madsen needs to bring the herd home and feed them through the winter, culling some for food and profit.  Both breeds are okay in the cold as long as they have some shelter.

Herding goats is not going to eliminate the immense amount of fire danger that surrounds us.  But the devastating fires in Cheney and Elk suburban areas last year alerted the mayor of Reardan to look for ways to improve the town’s safety.  Lots of other folks are beginning to think the same way.  The business is growing and is good for the earth, the economy and our peace of mind. So maybe its time for more people to get their goats.

Foliar Spray

This Spring I had a big breakthrough in nourishing my grape plants.  I sprayed a mix designed for foliar feeding on my vines just after the first few leaves emerged.  The intent was to increase the vigor of the plants but just as much to reduce the number of leafhoppers on the vines.  They have been a perennial problem for years and I have tried every spray to reduce or kill them that I could find. 

Two things prompted this action.  In his book, Quality Agriculture, John Kempf includes a chapter by Tom Dykstra called Insects: Nature’s Garbage Collectors.  The chapter begins:

The higher the Brix reading, the healthier the plant.  And when you have a healthy plant, you don’t have to use, for example, all of the pesticides that are being used today; herbicides, fungicides, nematicides etc.

Brix is a measure of liquid density.  We winemakers use it to tell how sweet the grapes are so we know when to harvest.  It is measured by a refractometer, a simple instrument that projects sunlight coming through a couple drops of liquid on a scale that measures the density of the liquid.  This is an elementary form of sap analysis.  Most plants register about 5º on the brix scale. All minerals and more can be analyzed with sap analysis.

The second prompt to using a foliar spray is a consistent theme in works and talks by Tom Kempf, a leading light of Regenerative Agriculture. Kempt’s company, Advancing Eco Agriculture ( is helping farmers transition away from chemicals that are detrimental to plant, soil and ecological health to methods that are beneficial to all those things plus being much more productive and less expensive to apply.  Kempf’s experience is that foliar spray has an immediate but long-lasting effect and is much less expensive than typical agrichemical methods. 

So, what was the effect of my first foliar application? Within two days my leafhopper problems of 30 years were GONE! It was hard to find a living Virginia Creeper Leafhopper anywhere.  Additionally, the vines were healthy.  They had vigorous growth and a darker green color. The first question everyone I told about this event had was “What was this stuff?”.

It is a formula provided by my advisor, Craig Madsen, called Lift Brix. The text box has a formula for 50 gallons to cover one acre.  I didn’t need nearly that much since hand-spraying is more direct and the young grape vines didn’t have much leaf surface to cover.  It would have been a bit more effective if I had sprayed late in the day so that the spray would have stayed liquid on into the night.

I wish I could say “That’s it. Just use this stuff and your troubles will be over.”  If I worked for a big agrichemical chemical company, I might say something like that about a product that I was selling.  But the story has no end.  John Kempf has a lot to say about the 5 stages of plant growth: 1. Bud Initiation, 2. Bloom/Pollination, 3. Cell Division, 4. Fruit Fill, and 5. Ripening.  Each stage has activities that are enhanced with the presence of micronutrients, principally: Calcium, Manganese, Boron, Zinc, Copper, Urea and Seaweed.  As a plant nears fruit fill, some biological ingredients are helpful beside these minerals.

Other companies offer similar solutions.  For example, Wilbur-Ellis sells Pronatural Photo Max Plus.  It has Magnesium (Mg), Sulfur (S), Manganese (Mn) and Zinc (Zn).  They are derived from Amino Acid Complexes of Mg, S, Mn and Zn plus Sulfates of those same elements. Plants rarely take up elements directly but absorb them as organic compounds like these. Craig Madsen supplied me with a foliar formula that includes Manganese, Boron, Zinc and Magnesium. You can create it as an aerobic tea using fulvic acid to chelate the minerals so the minerals become part of organic molecules.

You probably noticed that we are getting away from nice simple off-the-shelf solutions to pest problems.  Reaching further back into agricultural heritage, Korean Natural Farming uses foliar applications created from forest soil, sea salt and other natural and inexpensive elements. For instance a brew made from nettles is suggested for tomato health.  A lot of ideas are available in Jadam Organic Farming, The way to Ultra-Low-Cost agriculture by Youngsang Cho.  Cho emphasizes that you can create solutions to any pest problem with teas and fermentations from natural ingredients and that it is best to avoid chemical company products.

Philosophically, I view it as holism vs. reductionism or lumpers vs. splitters. Splitters try to take one discovered solution, corner the market on it and get rich promoting their one small and usually temporary fix. Lumpers try to add back all the ingredients that extractive agriculture and geologically unique soils lack. They have a harder time cornering a market. Nature tends to be abundant. Nourish it and it will nourish you.

BZ Farm Eco-Village

When it all comes down you’ve got to go back to Mother Earth,” Memphis Slim, 1951.

If you visit the Northeast Washington Farmer’s Market in downtown Colville on Wednesday mornings, you might buy vegetables or seeds from Chrys Ostrander of BZ Farm, officially named the BZ Permaculture Farm Collective based at the Bezaleel Israel Eco-Village.  What you get is not just food from another market garden.  You get food permaculturally-grown from the Cedar Creek Valley on Deep Lake – Boundary Road near the Canadian border.

Early settlers there would have moved into what is essentially a swamp. A forest of cedar trees and a long wetland fed water into Cedar Lake south of the farm. To farm this land, settlers had to remove the trees and drain the wetland with ditches so grass would grow to feed cattle, the long-time product of the valley. That would have been the first of many transitions the valley went through in the last century.
Under the flat surface of the valley floor is over 14 feet of histosol. “Histosols are soils that are made up of mostly organic materials, such as fallen plant material, and are often called bogs, moors, peats, or mucks.” ( It is extremely rich topsoil. Water lies under the surface. Rich soil and water are the blessing and curse of the BZ farm. You might be thinking “What could go wrong with that combination? It sounds perfect.” In a lot of ways, it is.

Under the flat surface of the valley floor is over 14 feet of histosol. “Histosols are soils that are made up of mostly organic materials, such as fallen plant material, and are often called bogs, moors, peats, or mucks.” (  It is extremely rich topsoil.  Water lies under the surface.  Rich soil and water are the blessing and curse of the BZ farm.  You might be thinking “What could go wrong with that combination?  It sounds perfect.”  In a lot of ways, it is.

Bezaleel Israel bought the farm 35 years ago after looking at around a hundred other pieces of land.  Good soil was a priority.  Preserving that soil, living off the property and off the grid were also priorities.  BZ is a good mechanic, inventor and equipment operator.  He soon became interested in Permaculture,” the development of agricultural ecosystems intended to be sustainable and self-sufficient.” (Wikipedia) He could earn enough doing construction and using his equipment to help neighbors to make a living and improve his own property.

One of the many principles of Permaculture is the use of closed loop systems which when speaking about the environment, refers to the ideal where nothing is wasted.  BZ developed an extensive water system, roads, housing, utility buildings and garden beds with deep fertile soil. As an inventor and mechanic, the no-waste principle often ended up meaning not letting go of any machinery that could be put to other uses.  Over time, it manifested itself as a lot of vehicles and parts lying around, a downside of reusing everything.

Good soil in a wet, cold place also has its downsides.  Fungus and mold develop easily.  Weeds spring up with the least provocation.  Trial and error helped BZ select crops and techniques that overcame those challenges.  Keeping the seeds from his crops ensured self-sufficiency, improved the crops themselves and now provides another source of income through on-line seed sales.  

Domestic animals help recycle crop and weed residue into even more fertility.  Special animals like Ancona ducks and Nubian goats contribute to the biome.  Keeping them alive is a challenge in a homestead carved out of the wilderness where coyotes, bobcats, cougars, bears, and wolves prowl the night looking for a meal.  Every living thing is locked inside after dark but wild animals are seldom killed. Range cattle are also a threat.  The farm needs more fencing. 

Using Permaculture principles, thinned trees become fence poles and building material. Mowed grass becomes mulch. Ponds hold water for irrigation and livestock. Compost feeds worms and builds soil diversity.  Cover crops preserve nutrients for new plantings to feed on.  Besides a community of crops and animals, the farm strives to support a community of people– the other half of permaculture.  This style of hands-on farming needs a lot of hands.

The valley that transitioned from swamp to ranchland is now transitioning into retirement homes for senior citizens who raise few if any cattle.  In a lot it ways, the state of the valley reflects the state of the world. There is still plenty of work for younger people, but land and housing are not cheap.  BZ and Chrys are aging out of intensive labor too.  But what they may lack in longevity, they make up many times over in knowledge and experience in this particular place which they are eager to pass on.  This combination of a love for the land and a need for more hands lead them to their current mission, finding partners to transition from a single-handed farm to an eco-community.

The idea is to provide a home for themselves and a younger generation while preserving the organic and self-sufficient nature of the farm.  They are putting this into practice by transitioning the property into a permaculture community land trust.  They both have a lot of experience with communities.  Chrys lived for 20 years at Tolstoy Farm near Davenport and Bezaleel Israel got his name as a member of the Love Family, both ‘hippy’ communes with their origins in the sixties’ back-to-the-land movement. Like finding the right crops and the right techniques to make a farm work, finding the right rules and legal framework to make a community healthy for all its members is no easy task. There is potential for a small number of people to move into permanent residency there. Trying it out for oneself and for the group as a whole amounts to an apprenticeship program. The permanent residents will make up the Village Collective of the future. The vision includes working out the details and the broader goals with input from everyone involved.  One size does not fit all or fit forever.  We are all in transitions of our own.  You can learn more about this place at


the study of cyclic and seasonal natural phenomena, especially in relation to climate and plant and animal life.

Buttercups, Arrow Leaf Balsam Root, Oregon grape, forsythia… the signs of Spring’s arrival are hard to miss.  Yellow flowers bloom early.  Normally people just recognize the changes of the season without much fuss.  Plants flowering one species after another is expected.  But in a Spring where many things don’t seem quite normal, trying to pick out what is and isn’t “normal” requires some recording, not just in the current year, but year after year.

This can be an important project for farmers.  I remember being puzzled by a historical diary found near Colville.  It turned out to be a 5-year diary.  Information was recorded for the same date for 5 consecutive years.  This year I started noting what is blooming every day.  It was fun looking for something new to be in bloom as I went about my morning chores. If I was using a 5-year diary, it would start to be more useful year after year.

The series of blooms starting May 1st went like this: cherry, dandelion, narcissus, lilac, apple, quince, caragana, Sheppard’s purse, choke cherry, raspberry, rowan, ceanothus, Japanese Chain Tree, pine pollen, white iris, orchard grass.  Of course, this is too simple and almost worthless by itself.  A comprehensive look would record when the bloom was over, what the weather was like etc.  Not as much fun at first, but more useful over time.

Seems like we farmers are often debating what happened last year vs this year.  Remember the winter of 2022-2023 when a big freeze struck at the end of a long warm Fall and the leaves stayed on the apple trees all winter?  Things do change not just year to year but this Spring, day to day.  Having a record of what is changing and what is staying the same would refresh a lot of memories.

We are not the only ones being affected or paying attention. The weather warms. Insects emerge. Birds migrate. Bears wake up. Every living thing is dependent on the life cycles of every other living thing.  We are all going through these changes together. The bigger the scope of what you see going on in Nature, the more sense it makes.  For instance, queen bumblebees emerge as the first flowers do.  Soon queens have built nests of wax filled with nectar and pollen from those flowers.  In 3 or 4 weeks after they lay eggs in those nests, new female bees are born. ( As the new bees emerge, many new sources of honey and pollen are in bloom on bigger trees and bushes just in time to feed them.  Baby deer are born when the grass and hay are high and producing milk is easy. (Hiding fawns is easy then too but dangerous if in a field that will be mowed.) Baby birds are born when insects are plentiful and berries start to ripen. Flowers bloom in series and can be used to show the timing of many cycles.

Note How the last Spring Frost has progressed to earlier and earlier and the 1st Fall frost has become much later over the last 130 years, especially the last 40 years.

Farmers are not the only ones taking note.  The science of Phenology is all about looking at these relationships and seeing what causes changes in them.  The United States has a National Phenology Network,  Their website has a lot of interesting data for all the United States broken down by states and areas within states.  A chart of the changes in the date of the last Spring frost and the last Fall frost over the last 125 years shows a steady extension of frost-free days by about 2 weeks over the last 40 years.

This kind of information is good to know at a general level.  Applying it to our neighborhood, especially with its variety of elevations and microclimates would be tricky. There are local phenology programs, mostly run by academic institutions, but none are identified in our area on the USANPN map.  Basically, we are on our own.

What about the plants, insects and animals directly experiencing and adapting to these changes right here? Do they know more than we do? Some conversations have led to this conclusion.  The initial blooms of many species seem to be closer together this year. The take-away is that they are all trying to get their summer life cycle over while there is still enough moisture and low enough temperatures to mature.  I hope so, but without better long-term data, it is hard to prove.

Sometimes we rely on old rules of thumb, like color bands on the wooly bear caterpillar. This one tells us that the longer the woolly bear’s black bands, the longer, colder, snowier, and more severe the winter will be.  Similarly, the wider the middle brown band is associated with a milder upcoming winter. (  The actual explanation is the better the growing season is, the bigger the caterpillar will grow.  This results in narrower red-orange bands in its middle.  Thus, the width of the banding is an indicator of the current or past season’s growth rather than an indicator of the severity of the upcoming winter.

Predicting the weather and Nature’s response is another case of “no easy answers”.  There was frost in my vineyard on the 20th of May 2024.  The latest I remember previously was a frost on Mother’s Day years ago.  No.  I don’t know how many years ago.  Maybe my memory is failing but this year I am going to write it down and if I keep that up, some day I will be able to say: “Remember that frost 5/20/2024? The wild roses were blooming.”

Grape Selection

As the temperatures warm up and everything seems to be in bloom, many folks are contemplating planting grapes.  It is a good time for that, but caution is advised.  The biggest danger this time of year is a late frost. We have a short growing season even at lower elevations.  It’s best to plant grapes after the danger of frost is past. Grapes will survive a frost.  Each bud has 3 baby buds inside.  But by the time they come out to replace a frozen leaf, there is little chance of bringing in a ripe harvest. An additional perk to waiting is that the buds eventually show themselves and you will be able to select very viable plants.

Historically, wine grapes were grown in Europe.  But grapes are also native to North America.  This leads to feuds and a sorted history.  When American grapes, were introduced in Europe, they brought with them a disease called Phylloxera which is caused by an aphid. The blight from this insect quickly spread throughout Europe devastating crops.  Eventually grape growers realized that grapes grown on American rootstock were immune to the disease. After grafting the true vinifera grapes onto new rootstock, the European wine industry revived but not without grudges. French/American hybrid grapes are often banned in Europe.

Another contrast between American grapes and European vinifera is in the heritage of the French/American Hybrid grapes, many of which are grown in Northeast Washington live in forests. True vinifera from Europe tends to be “well behaved” meaning that they grow new canes every year from set locations on the cordon, (the arms of a grape plant trained along a horizontal wire).  Pruning consists mostly of cutting back last year’s canes to a single bud and letting a new cane grow there.

Hybrid grapes, however, love to climb to the top of trees as they would have done in their New England native habitat.  This makes pruning more challenging since they resist being limited to sprouting from last year’s canes. This leads to a discussion of cane vs spur pruning which is beyond the scope of this article.

Determining how you want to trellis your grapes is an important factor.  Generally speaking, grapes like air and light.  Having a wall to the north of the vine is usually helpful.  Not only is soil an important factor, exposure to sunlight is also key to planning a vineyard.  The higher a plants canes are off the ground, the more impervious it is to frost.  Selecting the strongest shoots to attach to a vertical stake or rebar when they are first planted is a good way to insure that they will attain a good height. Sometimes this takes a couple of years. In the meantime, trimming off potential clusters of grapes promotes growth.

Another perpetual source of grape confusion is seedless, vs wine, vs juice.  This aggravates me not only because historically I have grown wine grapes, but also because wine grapes have been selectively bred over thousands of years to produce great tasting juice.  If you are aiming to produce juice, consider wine grapes.  They produce abundantly and the juice can be pressed out easily.

Another pet peeve is steam extraction.  The extra-ordinary amounts of sugar in grapes – typically twice the amount in pears or apples – is significantly degraded by steam extraction. Granted, the juice can be too sweet and steam extraction dilutes that.

Sometimes I compare growing grapes to getting married.  They need attention and care. Maybe it’s like the police “protect and serve”.  This year is stacking up to be very dry.  I wasn’t aware of just how dry it was last year until I got a soil probe.  It is easy to push it into the ground and see what color the soil is and how damp it is.  Already the soil here on a bench by the Columbia is very dry.  Watering grapes is another skill that sometimes becomes lost in translation.  Grape expert Wes Hagan says “Vines that are “trained” to learn that their water only comes from one place (a drip emitter or a hose) will develop a root ball near the surface of the soil and will not develop a deep and wide root system. Deep, infrequent applications of water are, in my estimation, best for the vine.

I use a sprinkler system that spins water out near the surface of the ground.  In my experience growing grapes, their roots tend to spread out. To get water to them, you need to spread the water out too.  Overhead sprinkling is a no-no.  Water on grape vines leads to mold and powdery mildew.  Those two culprits will shrivel the grape clusters and rot the leaves.  Conversely, too much water in the ground will not allow the roots to breath and will kill the vine.

So go ahead and grow yourself some grapes. But plan ahead and be prepared. It’s a long-term relationship.

Seed Savers

…What I came to say was

Teach the children about the cycles.

The Life Cycles. All the other cycles,

That’s what it’s all about, and it’s all forgot.

— Gary Snyder, “For/From Lew”

Today is the Equinox.  By the time this magazine is ready, Easter will be over. The Full moon will be passed.  Earth’s cycles will be changing quickly. Before Europeans, Native people would be digging roots or gathering camas, wapato, or cattail shoots.  The Salish word for Spring is “a Time of Gathering.”  Gathering was a matter not just of time, but of place and people. Different plants grow best in different places.  Indigenous people went to those places. We try to make wherever we live a place to grow our food. 

We try to make our same foods grow in every place. More often we try to get food from every place at one grocery supermarket.  Often, we can even get seeds there.  This consolidation of supply and access to food has dramatically diminished the genetics of world food production. Maize, rice, wheat, barley and sorghum are the 5 main world food crops.  No fruits, vegetables, animals, spices or many other things are on the list. If you buy seeds to grow any of those things, they were probably grown in huge quantities in the Midwest and sold worldwide, often in patented varieties.

Looking at the brilliant pictures and glowing descriptions in seed catalogs we lose sight of the inherent nature of seeds to adapt to individual climates and locations. A lot of local people are trying to change that perception and the supply chain.  I met several of them at a seed swap held at the Fruitland Valley Winery recently. There was a lot to learn.

Bezaleel Israel has been collecting seeds from his gardens for over 25 years.  You can order the seeds BZ grows through the website, Click on the button to “buy seeds” for a list of 20 kinds of vegetables and 70 different varieties of seeds within them.  There are regulations on seeds for sale. Seeds must be tested every five months for the percentage of germination expected. For these 70 varieties, BZ and fellow farm collective member Chrys Ostrander must do germination tests in addition to collecting, cleaning, storing, packaging and labelling the seeds. 

Developing the best seeds is another story. They have drier upland sites and bottomland sites in at their Eco Village site near the US/Canada Border north of Northport. Within one kind family of plants, say corn, the plants different varieties can cross-pollinate if near to each other.  Sometimes crossing is done intentionally as with the Yukon Standard hybrid corn BZ breeds. Planting and pollination need to be controlled closely. ”Hybrid vigor” is the tendency for hybrid crops to grow more vigorously than their parents.   By crossing varieties, you can create new ones and the seed saver only needs to choose seeds from the best of the offspring. From the third generation on the plants self-select so the new variety becomes “stabilized”. Carefully avoiding crossing keep the traits you want. This is the principle of Heirloom seed preservation. Another key to understanding the process is that seeds adapt progressively from generation to generation when grown in one location. This is the principle of seed localization.

There is another philosophy and approach. At that same seed swap Dana Combest represented the Huckleberry Range Community Collective (HRCC) ( It is a private group. So, you need to enter some information about your name and generally where you live. This serves the purpose of making it truly local. They began in 2019 as mostly a tool-sharing group. In 2023 they branched out into seed and plant sharing.

HRCC’s new hammermill for cracking grains etc.

Dana introduced me to a new term, “Landrace Gardening.” It doesn’t have anything to do with the land speed record.  Landrace is actually an old term meaning “a local cultivar or animal breed that has been improved by traditional agricultural methods” (Oxford Dictionary). HRCC offers for sale a small book with excerpts from a larger work by Joseph Lofthouse on Landrace Gardening, How to grow food when you can’t buy seeds, fertilizers, or pesticides. ( His philosophy is that the best cultivars for our gardens are grown as genetically diverse, promiscuously-pollinating crops.  He uses examples from his own experiences in a high-altitude farm where he could not grow many warm weather crops until he started saving his own seeds.

The method could be called “survival of the tastiest.”  But it starts with just plane survival.  Lofthouse does not fertilize, irrigate or use pesticides.  In fact, he welcomes weeds and pests. It is a little like a mosh pit. You plant seeds from a wide variety of sources, trust that they will cross-pollinate and that the genetic diversity will overcome all obstacles in those plants that survive with the gardener having to amend the environment very little to ensure survival.  Lofthouse does select for the tastiest survivors because that is what his customers value in his seeds more than toughness, abundance, shipability, storage etc. Rather than lock on to a likely survivor to keep pure, he encourages the continued introduction of genetic variety so that plants can respond immediately to changing climatic and soil conditions.

Although many of the seeds provided by HRCC may be landrace varieties, they received donations of seeds in bulk which are distributed through their seed library for free. They buy fruit plants at wholesale and pass the savings on to members. They sponsor seed and plant swap events like the Slow Food Event at Fruitland Valley Winery.  Others were held in partnership with the Hunger Coalition ( and the Permaculture Guild ( Check those sites and the HRCC Facebook page for more information. There will be a Plant, Seed & Root Swap on April 6, 2024 at the library in Kettle Falls, WA., and another May 4th at Stranger Creek Grange.

In her book, Braiding Sweetgrass, Robin Wall Kimmerer has a story, Mishkos Kenomacwen: The Teaching of Grass. In it a student proposes a study to determine whether picking sweetgrass using traditional methods increases or depletes the population.  Learned professors dismissed the premise saying that “Everyone knows that harvesting a plant will damage the population.”  The student persisted and proved that by picking the sweetgrass respectfully, only taking half and leaving some soil disturbed she had created room and light for the remaining plants to expand and grow more vigorously than the test plots which were left alone.

A traditional harvest of root crops in the spring has a similar effect. If you thank the best plant in a group, leave it there, promise to take only what you need and leave the rest, you are selecting the best plants to survive and leaving enough for diversity. The effects will be similar to the sweetgrass story and the landrace practice.  Learn the cycles !