Barreca Vineyards

Barreca Vineyards

From Vine to Wine since 1986

Posts filed under Blogs

The Three Cat Problem

and other issues… It was September 24th as near as I can tell when the Barreca Vineyards website crashed along with several others hosted by my friends Scott and Elaine at Secure Webs. An upgrade to their web management software nuked quite a few sites that I manage.  Although I got them running again, I… (read more)

Down to Earth Heating

When I moved to Northeast Washington in 1974, temperatures got to be much colder during the winters than now, as much as -40° in Ferry County.  The past 20 years have been very mild by comparison (  So it may be with exaggerated fondness that I remember working in the Golden Valley Mine one winter. … (read more)

Under the Heat Dome

The old saying is “Everyone talks about the weather but no one does anything about it.”  Well the talking has been going on big time now that global warming is blowing away all high temperature records every day.  I even saw an article about new highs for low night time temperatures – ok whatever.  Ironically… (read more)

Springing to Life

As I sat down to write this blog and noticed that I was nearly 2 months behind, that it was almost Memorial Day and that most of what I had to report was pretty boring. Then I got a text from Cheryl, that a black bear had just come up to the bedroom door, a… (read more)

Equinox 2021

Here it is, the first day of Spring and I’m trying to write a personal blog that I now realize I have not written all winter.  To be fair I did write about cats on January 14th and now Spicy is vigorously massaging my arm while I am trying to type.  So some things have… (read more)

A Tale of Two Kitties

Lots of things happened in the world in December and January.  But around here it was mostly about the cats.  We already had a wonderful little gray cat, Gray-C.  She was inside when on December 8th we all heard a cat meowing at the front door.  Cheryl went out to check it out and the… (read more)

A November to Remember

(Written in December) Every month I review my journal entries to compose a post on this website.  You might notice that there are a lot of entries for November.  That’s because the website crashed during a power outage on Friday the 13th in November.  I had just changed the bottled wine page to replace out… (read more)